Ignorance is Bliss

Is this thing working? It took a lot of time for me to get my dad to let me borrow it, you know. DO NOT BREAK I-  


I GOT IT. Jeez, man. Chill out. It's an old recorder, not a diamond ring. So, do you want to start or not?

Yeah. Sorry, it's just that my dad loves this thing more than anything else at our house. Well, maybe except the cat.

Anyway, so this is our first tape for serious topics. We’re bored and it’s the winter holidays. Might as well.

Okay so uh, what were we talking about again?

How ignoring, keeping your problems aside OR “running from” one’s problems- don’t always end up making things worse. Sometimes, it can actually help with dealing with them to some extent. I believe in that notion, unlike Harlow over here.

Usually you have a knack for being right, but you are completely and utterly in the wrong here. People running from their problems is the reason for thousands upon thousands of people making things worse. Letting a
perhaps small issue grow into something terrible. Something consuming. Something monstrous in their subconscious until it's too big to contain and it comes rushing out like an endless torrent of water during a flood. 

I like your funny words magic man, but no that’s not how it works for quite a lot of people I know personally. Like, even me. Specifically, me. Sure, let's get into this.

Permission to absolutely wreck you in the battle of words and wits?

Generously granted, not that you’ll be able to anyway. Other than that, let me emphasize on what I mean. Let me use myself as an example, again. Okay so imagine this, you just got dumped by a girlfriend who was with you for more than fifteen months. How would you react? Let me tell you how YOU would react. Probably cry and in the end try to stay friends. What’d I do to deal with my broken heart? Hmph Easy. Just stop talking to anyone associated with her for a bit. Let the intense pain ease over time. Try my best to not think about her. Move on with life, you know? See how not dealing with that issue of her dumping me can work out. Instead of moving through the pain, wading through the ocean of heartache and broken self-esteem. Just don’t. Go away from it. In fact, forget it exists. Simple.

Well, you’re probably right about what I’d do. Even though what you surmised it to is very, VERY oversimplified. To make a point from my end imagine this for a change. Due to you never confronting your issues with you being dumped, you end up not being completely over the breakup and let’s say she gets married sometime in the future. How would you feel? Probably would need to deal with it then. Especially if you’re somehow invited to that wedding and your friends are going. At that point, it will all come crashing down. Instead of it being a wade through pain, it’ll be a tsunami of agony. You’ll end up crippling yourself. It might break you for a long time.

Okay you may have a point there, Harlow. I can see what you mean because it has happened to me too. Like when we had those small sessions for after lockdown, remember? It’s a bit like counseling but not really. It felt like a support group. I don’t remember what exactly caused it but something that they were pressing on opened up a very old wound for me and I went on a pretty bad spiral. Went on to unravel a lot of wound up issues and other repressed stuff. Ended up making a few, uh, bad decisions. Not a good night that one.

See what I mean? Ignorance isn’t bliss. It's just putting off a problem to marinate until it seasons into an even worse problem. It is a very bad way of dealing with it in my opinion.

You say that and you’re valid but only to an extent.  Don’t you think that the ability to go without having the risk of the problem ruining things in the present era is a bigger plus than having to potentially face it in the future? Not to mention, even if it's worse, the fact that you have had the time in between gives you a chance to be a better you. A more rational you with the skills needed to deal with such a problem. It’s a high-risk-high reward play the way I see it.


*Static rumbling*

*Rapid banging*



This article was updated on March 5, 2024

Shadit Rahaman

Shadit is a writer and editor at the Breezer’s Brew, where he does a lot of things that fit the bill for his personal kind of creative output that isn’t just limited to the digital or physical pages of paper that we all have. He’s into debate and sports like football as well, but nothing beats his love for expressing the colors of his conscience on the white canvas of the google doc!
